Getting Us Back To Doing All The Things That Make Us, Us.

Covisible is a non-profit, public benefit corporation created to help us get ahead of the spread of COVID-19.


What We're Working On

At-Home Testing

Covisible is developing the processes, protocols, and procedures for a safe and frictionless at-home testing experience.

Mail-In Distribution

Covisible is developing the networks and systems needed for logistically viable and scalable mail-in testing

Mass Antibody Testing

Covisible's standardized protocols and networks will enable mass at-home antibody testing for the safe return to work.


To protect and preserve the lives and livelihoods of our citizens and accelerate the recovery of our nation.

Together we can get ahead of the spread and get things back to feeling normal again.


Where We Come From


From Strategy to Execution


Get In Touch

Support the cause, now accepting donations, grants, and more helping hands.

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