Brandon Ng

Scientific Lead

Brandon Ng is currently a PhD candidate in Pharmacology at Weill Cornell Medicine in NYC. He is performing his thesis research in the lab of Dr. Marcel van den Brink at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. He is currently working on a project that aims to design better CAR T cell immunotherapy for multiple myeloma. Brandon grew up in New Jersey and then received his BS in chemistry and minor in nanoscience and technology from the University of Maryland, College Park. Following graduation, he moved to Tel Aviv, Israel under a Fulbright Research Fellowship. There he worked with Dr. Dan Peer at Tel Aviv University on using nanomedicine to delivery RNAi based gene therapy to hematological malignancies. From his previous current positions he possesses knowledge in cancer immunotherapy, immunology, cell engineering, nanomedicine, drug delivery, and biochemistry. Brandon aspires to work in the biotech or drug development industry after completing his doctorate degree.