Gregory Stock

Board of Directors

Dr. Gregory Stock is a leading authority on the broad impacts of advanced technology in the life sciences. He is a professor at the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in NY where he co-directs the Harris Center for Precision Wellness and is working on the foundations of nextgen wellness and healthcare. Previously, he founded and directed the Program on Medicine, Technology and Society at UCLA’s School of Medicine. He also co-founded and led two biotech companies: Signum Biosciences, a Princeton-based biopharmaceutical company developing therapeutics for Alzheimer’s, and Ecoeos, a personalized healthcare company that pioneered at-home genetic tests for vulnerability to toxicity from exposure to mercury.

Dr. Stock’s book, Redesigning Humans: Our Inevitable Genetic Future, won the Kistler Book Prize for Science books and was nominated for a Wired Rave Award. Among his other books are Engineering The Human Germline, Metaman, and The Book of Questions, which has sold 2 ½million copies, been translated into 18 languages, and is approaching 100 printings. Sequels include The Kids’ Book of Questions and The Book of Questions: Business, Politics, and Ethics. Stock is working on a new book, On the Cusp: The Promise of Nextgen Healthcare, that explores the coming disruptive data-and-technology-driven transformation of healthcare.

Dr. Stock has been profiled in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, MIT Tech Review and Lancet. He makes regular appearances on television and radio, including CNN, PBS, NPR, Bloomberg, and the BBC, and he has been in dozens of one-on-one debates about healthcare and policy with Francis Fukuyama, Jeremy Rifkin, Leon Kass, Dan Callahan, Ray Kurzweil, and other prominent figures.

Stock serves on the California Advisory Committee on Stem Cells and Reproductive Cloning, and on the Board of Directors of Signum Biosciences, Nutralogix, and Napo Pharmaceuticals. He has a PhD in Biophysics from Johns Hopkins and an MBA from Harvard.